Spring Makeup Tips to Refresh Your Makeup Bag for Warmer Seasons
The moment the weather starts getting warmer for spring, we start the changing the colours we wear. Whether it’s our wardrobe, our makeup, or our accessories, we just can’t wait to have an excuse to try out different tones that suit the season! While we’re swapping out makeup products (and maybe even treating ourselves to a new lipstick or eyeshadow at the store), however, we always try to make sure to refresh the whole bag as a whole. After all, spring cleaning doesn’t have to apply to just your home!
Just in case you’re interested in overhauling your makeup bag for the spring as well, here are 15 helpful tips and pieces of advice to leave your cosmetics feeling really fresh and ready to go!
1. Replace expired products
Let’s admit it- we’re all guilty of keeping makeup products much longer than their expiration date. Of course, no one’s going to throw out an entire full product that’s barely been used and is only a few weeks past its prime, but perhaps it’s time to get ruthless with some of the things you’ve been holding onto for a really long time. Follow Conway‘s lead and make space for new, fresh products by following their expiration length guide and throwing out the things that are long past their shelf life!
2. Don’t shy away from affordable products
Just because a product is cheap in price doesn’t always mean it’s cheap in quality! If you ask us, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with pinching a few pennies, especially if the affordable thing you’ve got your eye on is a colour or product that you haven’t tried before, aren’t very experienced with, or are wary of dropping a lot of money on. Just make sure you check the pigment with the tester (but always wash your hands after using public samples). Tea & Nail Polish has some awesome recommendations for you that are the perfect examples of what we’re talking about!
3. Cleanse the products you’re keeping
Have you sorted your whole makeup bag out to throw away things that have gotten too old and now you’re staring at the things you’re keeping and wondering whether you can freshen those up to? Well, thanks to this bit of advice featured on Today, you certainly can! They give you tips for cleaning and sanitizing makeup products of all different kinds in a way that won’t ruin the makeup but will take care of any fallout product or bacteria that’s on them, which will actually extend their shelf life.
4. Take note of seasonal trends for 2018
If you’re going to overhaul your cosmetics collection and you’re considering adding new things to it, you might as well take a look at what’s big right now and keep yourself on trend while you’re at it! We actually did some trend tracking recently because we knew our makeup bag’s spring cleaning was coming and we found this guide from The Fashion Folks helpful. They tip you off about gorgeously bright red lips making a comeback!
5. Be bold with colours
If there was ever a time to get creative with colour, it’s now! The spring months leading into summer are the perfect time to try out some bright hues that will reflect the colours all around you and, since one of this year’s trends actually is bold colour statements, we’d say this is an especially great time to reach for your most multi-coloured pallet! Check out how She Look Book used blue to make a cheerful impact.
6. Be bold with liner shapes
Are you the kind of makeup lover who likes to create full looks rather than just getting experimental with one singular element of your routine, so you’re looking for even more inspiration in the “bold” department than we’ve already given you? Then we think you’ll be pleased to see on Glowsly that very bold eyeliner is trending this spring as well! Pair that together with the bold colours we talked about above and you’ll be ready to make an impact.
7. Take the same colour risks you saw at NYFW
Blue isn’t the only colour you can get away with even more then usual this spring! If you’re a fashionista who follows Fashion Week in each city, then you already know that bright statement eyes were basically a staple on the runways! Personally, we were huge fans of the way yellow, which is quite an unconventional eye colour, popped up at NYFW in all kinds of looks, like this one featured on Byrdie.
8. Consider light, natural finishes
Even though other parts of the face are having a triste with intense, fiercely bold colours and heavier amounts of makeup than you might be used to, the same doesn’t apply to the skin this year! In fact, some runways featured models who wore no foundation at all, letting their own skin’s natural finish take centre stage instead. The ones that did featured foundation kept things quite light and airy. Beauty Industry News shows you exactly what we mean.
9. Try peachy tones
While you were cleaning out your makeup, did you find that your blush had finally hit the pan or perhaps even smashed? Well, instead of grabbing that same old dusty pink that you’re used to, have you ever considered switching things up a little in the cheek department as well? Stay Glamour suggests reaching for something a little closer to peach and playing with pinks in that tone range to add a colour that’s a little warmer for bright, sunny days.
10. Tips for a subtle transition from winter to spring colours
It’s all well and good to make switching your makeup routine around sound easy when you’re speaking about it, but for some people it’s easier said than done. What if you’re a beginner makeup enthusiast who feels they could use a little bit of help introducing new colours into the mix in a way that’s subtle enough for average, everyday wear? Then we think you’ll appreciate this article full of tips featured on Kindly Unspoken!
11. Practice using bronzer
Do you remember about ten years ago when bronzer first started trending but it quickly went out of style because people overused it a little bit and, if we’re being honest, we all ended up looking just a little bit orange? Well, we swore off the product entirely around that time, but we recently found out that bronzer is trending again this spring and honestly, we love what we’re seeing! We were happy to find this post on Styles Gap that gives some tips for using bronzer properly so you get just a subtle gilded glow.
12. Consider natural hair lighteners for a summer glow
Okay, we admit that this tip doesn’t necessarily help you with refreshing your makeup bag specifically, but while you’re making things lighter and brighter in anticipation of summer, why not turn a bit of attention to your hair too? We know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea to us chemical treatments on their hair, which is why we like the idea of adding this natural DIY honey based lightener featured on Beauty 101 by Lisa to our beauty routine!
13. Bold, layered mascara

Is your attention still caught on the idea of bold eyes but you’re wondering how complete a look will appear if you’ve done bright colours and intense shaped liner… without levelling up your mascara application to match? Well, according to The Cut, you’re in luck because very bold mascara is trending this spring too! To us, this sounds like the perfect opportunity to try out that new, high volume mascara you’ve been shying away from if your old one is close to expiring.
14. Spring pinks on your lips and eyes
Are you actually still thinking about the pretty peach colours we showed you earlier on our list when we were talking about blush because you think it would suit your skin tone just right and you can’t get over how pretty those tones are? In that case, we definitely think you’ll enjoy this suggestion from Makeup Tutorials to carry that peach toned theme over to your eyes and lips for a beautifully spring inspired pink aesthetic across the board!
15. Other home hair lighteners (that smell great)
Perhaps you’re still thinking about how much you loved the idea of lightening your hair naturally at home but you know your hair is stubborn and you feel like you might need a few different options to try, just in case one isn’t effective? Then we’ve got just the thing for you to keep on your list of things to try this spring! Top Health Magazine shows you three different harmless, natural ways to add just a touch of a sun kissed effect to your locks while you enjoy the sun this spring.
Do you have other awesome tips or tricks for adding spring colours to your routine, refreshing your makeup bag, or helping yourself look your best now that warm weather is here, but you don’t see those things on our list? Share them with us in the comments section!