2. Gardening

Peperomia Hope: How to Care and Grow the Hope Plant

Peperomia hope plants, also known as the trailing jade, belong to the Piperaceae family —which has over 1000 species. Its official botanical name is Peperomia rotundifolia and the plant is a blend of two varieties; peperomia quadrifolia and peperomia deppeana.

Peperomia hope (rotundifolia)

The Jade plant is natively from the rain forest region of South America and grows kind of like the miniature tree. It’s historically believed that the plant brings some good luck to the homeowner, hence the name dollar plant.

Can I Grow It On a Balcony?

With glowing succulent leaves and soft stems, this perennial epiphyte is probably one of the easiest houseplants you can grow in your apartment, especially if you want to be a little minimal on space.

Same as a Cactus Jack, the Jade plant is semi-succulent and has a sturdy tolerance for various growing conditions.

If you’re looking to revamp the aesthetics of, say, your balcony, the Peperomia Hope is a suitable outdoor or indoor plant that’s worth the buck and supplements any interior design concept.

While this plant has healthy green foliage that fits any glamor you need for your office or home, it needs more water and humidity during its early development stages, in contrast to typical succulents.

Other Peperomia varieties include:

  • Columbian Peperomia: It’s a bushy perennial with dark-red leaves and metallic silver stripes.
  • Cupid Peperomia: This variety is mostly grown on hanging-basket displays. It has thick heart-shaped leaves that could brighten your shaded patio or the stairwell corner.
  • Variegated Teardrop Peperomia: This species has oval leaves that grow in a compact setting, so it’s ideal for windowsills and doesn’t need too much light or water.
  • Beetle Peperomia: Its scientific name is Peperomia quandrangularis (angulata). Beetle Peperomia has dark-green succulent leaves that grow rapidly in a small container. Most homeowners choose Beetle Peperomia over other species for their strong stems and dark-green leaves which turn reddish when exposed to plenty of light.
  • Peperomia Japonica: This perennial epiphyte has oval leaves that crawl up when you grow it on well-drained soil.

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How to Care for the Peperomia Hope

You need to follow these pointers to grow your Peperomia Hope plants and routinely make them look utterly natural:


Your plants need enough light to keep the photosynthetic pigments bright and uniform.

Peperomia Hope plants, compared to other varieties in the family, require a moist and cool environment.

  • Like most houseplants, the Jade needs a regulated UV light exposure. You don’t want to lay your pots open to direct sunlight.
  • Too much light makes the leaves pale and wither bit by bit, according to a study done by the Department of Soil and Science at the University of Vermont.

Some variegated species tend to do well on direct sunlight, but you’ll need to control the contact when the leaves turn dark green.

Temperature & Humidity

The suitable temperature for growing Peperomia Hope is usually between 65 and 75°F, which is equivalent to 18° – 24°C.

If you’re growing your Peperomia Hope in a balcony, you also want to make sure that sunlight doesn’t come straight through your outdoor space.

  • You can attain the optimal temperature by placing the Peperomia pots in a shaded patio.
  • Humidity levels for the Peperomia Hope plant correlate with the temperature. So you need to mist the plants using a fine spray bottle with some level of moderation.

During a warm season, your plants will thirst for a humid environment, and vice versa.

You should, however, take note that high humidity levels block air circulation. The roots of Peperomia plants need a lot of oxygen intake.

If your plants can’t make the absorbed water evaporate, the transpiration process gets ruined, making it hard to feed on the nutrients from the soil.

Trimming & Maintenance

You can’t override the need to groom your Peperomia Hope plants every so often.

While they’re easy to maintain, they need the same tender care as other houseplants.

  • During the early weeks of spring, you need to do some bit of cosmetic pruning.
  • Lookout for stems that appear to be infested with pests or dead.

Using the right maintenance tips, you can improve the foliage quality and make the stems more sturdy.

Regardless of whether your Peperomia plants bloom or not, pruning would solidly help with foliage development.

Some species have trailing stems that grow up to 45cm in height. With consistent trimming, the plants will also mutate to your desired growth height and shape.

Growing medium

Peperomia plants don’t demand so much input in terms of the material they grow in.

Before choosing a pot, make sure to inspect its drainage capacity. Drainage holes allow room to get rid of excess water after watering.

  • If the soil in the growing medium is too compressed, it’ll be waterlogged.And when the base of the pot is drenched, this could cause premature roots to decay, creating a hub for bacteria and fungus.
  • Inversely, if the holes are too loose, your plants won’t absorb enough water.

Most houseplants, including those in the Peperomia family, require a workable growing medium to allow the roots to burgeon flexibly.

Your growing medium also needs to let the roots take in essential nutrients, firmly support the plants, and give space for maximum root growth.

Soil & Repotting

Soil is a basic element for growing houseplants —unless if you opt to use the semi-hydroponics model, which supports inorganic medium.

  • To ensure sufficient drainage for your Peperomia Hope plants, you would need a soil mixture that’s composed of loam, sand, and peat moss.
  • Other frequently used components suitable for potting mix include perlite, manure, gravel, and topsoil.

When setting the soil mixture, we highly recommend adding 50% of perlite for its airflow efficiency. The ideal soil pH for Peperomia plants is 5-6, which is faintly acidic.

Repotting, on the other hand, isn’t necessarily important except for when the plant overgrows the original vessel.

Dig further to find the best potting soil for your plants.

Water & Fertilizers

Being a succulent plant, Peperomia doesn’t need too much watering to sustain its foliage.

You need to give the topsoil enough time to dry off, so you can water the plants again.

  • Watering after a 7-day interval should work just fine. It’s essential to wait for this period to lapse, especially during the fall and winter.
  • The growth and wellbeing of this plant both don’t necessarily require the use of fertilizers.

Peperomia is one distinct kind of an epiphyte that grows at a stunted pace. And if need be, it’s far more beneficial to use organic over synthetic fertilizers on your houseplants.

Even worse, synthetic fertilizers kill useful microorganisms which turn plant remains into organic matter that’s nutrient-rich. They also escalate the nitrate levels of soil. But if you want to optimize the growth rate, use a general houseplant fertilizer on your Peperomia, preferably once per month.

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How To Propagate Peperomia Hope Plants

Similar to other common houseplants, the best time to propagate your Peperomia is during spring and summer.

It’s an easy and fun process. You just have to do some stem and leaf cuttings.

  • But first, you need to check whether they’re mature enough to be propagated.
  • You can remove the overgrown succulent leaves and plant them in a new container.

Most varieties in the Peperomia family have adaptable succulent parts that store enough water and nutrients for cell rejuvenation.

Place the container to direct sunlight and water the new plants regularly until the roots are stable and a few buds begin to sprout.

Bottom line: Routine Care and Pest Control Tips

Under normal conditions, Peperomia Hope plants don’t seem to gravely suffer from pest attacks.

Depending on the variety, Peperomia tends to attract pests such as mealybugs, fungus gnats, and root aphids.

When exposed to direct light, the leaves will begin to look pale and the overall foliage yield will reduce drastically. As mentioned before, the remedy here is to use a shaded patio.

Make sure you’re using sterilized tools while propagating to reduce the spread of any potential fungal infection.

Don’t overwater your plants for it discolors your leaves and makes the roots rot.

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