50 Bullet Journal Ideas To Try Out
As you try to stay on top of the things you need to do and your personal goals, starting a new bullet journal may be the best course of action. It doesn’t matter if the year is just starting or it’s already July, you can adjust the journal however you see fit.
Creative Bullet journal ideas
We went looking and found 50 cool ideas that you can try out to create a wonderful bullet journal – things you can add, things the journal should have to keep you as organized as possible. Of course, you can add the ones you want since it’s all up to you.
1. Monthly Bullet Journal Layout Ideas
Planning Mindfullygives us a plethora of different monthly layouts to try to recreate on our own. You can theme them, color them, and test your artistic ability. Bullet journaling is very much Type A-minded but that doesn’t mean it can’t be creative!
2. Minimalist Week View
If you’re not into having a busy design in your bullet journal, then a minimalist approach will work too, especially on pages that are more crowded with information. @bullet_journalish also has a wonderful looking design ready to go if you want to copy it. Clean, spaced out, informative. That’s all you need!
3. Track your days
A cute way to keep track of your days is to add 3 or 4 of them on a page in individual frames and simply list the things you need to accomplish that day, even if those are filling up the dishwasher and making dinner. At the end of the day you’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something. @thedotsandgrids has a really colorful idea and we’re all here for it!
4. Washi Mood Tracker
One really cool way to keep track of how you feel most days is with the help of washi tape. Yes, washi tape! That wonderful creation that you’d spend half your salary on can also help you keep track of your moods in your bullet journal. Once you set up a system by marking which type of tape represents what mood, you can just go ahead and cut off pieces to add to your daily entries. You’ll find all the details over on Craftic.
5. A Floral Spread
We were so inspired by this beautiful floral layout from Forever Good Life that we had to feature it! This is a great way to jazz up your monthly planning pages and put your creativity to the test. Grab some colored pencils and get started!
6. Two Days, One Page
Bullet Journalinggives us a lot of inspiration concerning how to organize and layout our pages as well. For instance, if you want to consolidate some space, create pages that include two days each like you see above. Then start color coding your time slots!
7. Adding Life Goals
We’re loving these Level 10 ideas from Boho Berry. Why not really create something inspiration for your everyday by adding your life goals into the journal? You can divide them as well into different types of goals; family and friends, personal, work, etc.
8. Bullet journal Collections To Try
You’ll really these ideas from Little Fox Coffee. There’s a beautiful list of collections that you’ll find after the jump. From party planning, to Christmas shopping, you’ll find a lot of different inspiration here as well.
9. Cool Layout Ideas
Wonderful DIYgives us 12 solid layout ideas to start your bullet journal journey. If you’re looking to create a journal that’s personalized, functional, and super pretty, then you’ll definitely want to hop on over and check out all of these great designs and prompts. There’s even some beautiful ideas for headers sprinkled throughout the list.
10. Simple Bullet Page Ideas
We found more great page ideas over at Parker & Me. There are literally 50 different points to take a peek at and gain inspiration from. A monthly bucket list may be our favorite on the list!
11. One Line A Day
Whether it’s to remember your kiddo’s favorite phrases from when they were little or inspirational bits to perk yourself up, this “one a day” page from Anca GVis one of our favorite finds! There’s so much you can use this layout for and we also love the design as well.
12. Bullet page Ideas For Women With No Time
Chasing Foxesis helping women all over with these great ideas. From chore lists to from weekly goal lists and more, it’s all inside and will help mom’s out the most! All of the layouts you’ll see here are pretty too, it’s not just the prompts that are inspiring here.
13. Study Pages
For the students out there, we found these study pages from Productive & Pretty. Keep on track with the semester’s work by adding these to your bullet journal. There’s even a course and degree tracker inside for our college scholars out there.
14. Netflix Season Catch-Up
Another favorite ideas we found while scouring the Internet was this Netflix page! This is the perfect way to keep up with all of the TV shows you’ve been watching or the ones you want to watch. You’ll never forget what season you’re on again! Thanks for idea Pinterest!
15. Easy Journal Hacks
And finally, Little Coffee Foxgives us a handful of journal hacks that we can all utilize! From color coding tips to washi tape ideas, there’s a lot to check out before you start mapping out your own journal. It’ll be fun shopping for supplies after checking out this one.
16. Word of the Year
While it’s true that most times, people start a new journal right after New Year, it’s not always like that. Nonetheless, no matter when you pick this path, it’s good to find a word that will help keep you inspired throughout the days and months ahead. We found this really cool idea in a blog postby Masha Plans, so give it a go!
17. Find a Hobby and Keep Track Of It
If you have a hobby, then these bullet journal pages will help you keep track of all the new things you do to keep you involved with your passion. If you don’t have a hobby, it’s probably high time you chose one as it does good for the soul. Check out how you can keep track of hobbies through your bullet journal from Life by Whitney.
18. Bullet Journal Key to Rapid Logging
Most often than not, many people who start keeping a bullet journal learn to find that keeping track of everything they need to input into the bullet journal takes a lot of time. Well, the folks at Diary of a Journal Planner have thought of this problem and have some solutions on how you can do better at logging everything you need to.
19. Monthly Tracker
When you create a bullet journal you need to figure out which of your goals are daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. So, for the Monthly tracker, it’s awesome if you manage to create a thorough list where you figure out which goals you managed to accomplish. Bullet Journal has a wonderful tracking idea for your own journal and you can always customize it with your own goals.
20. Turn a Planner Into a Bullet Journal
When you pick up bullet journaling, it may be daunting to start picking up supplies (or exciting, depending on your personality). But, if you’re on a budget, you can always turn an old planner into a bullet journal with just a few easy tricks and pages you can always print out. Check out the ideas from Space and Quiet.
21. Brain Dump
We have to say that sometimes we just have too many things on our mind and they consume us and our productivity. So, when you just have too many things on your mind, you may want to write them out. – worries, things you must not forget, chores you need not forget, special occasions, annoyances, and so on. Having a special Brain Dump area in your journal seems ideal and Masha Plans will tell you just how you can do this efficiently.
22. Books to Read
If you’re an avid reader, then keeping track of all the books you’ve read and the books you’re planning on reading is mandatory. Plus, you get to create some beautiful bookcase reading logs, designing a wonderfully creative space for your passion. Each time you read a new book, you can add it on the cover of the book on your drawn bookcase, and that’s just wonderful. Get the details from Bullet Journal.
23. Intention Wheel
A really cool addition to any bullet journal is an intention wheel. You can download these online so you don’t have to worry about drawing them yourself (unless you’re talented that way). Make one of these wheels for every month and keep track of the things you want to – reading, creating things, cleaning, and riding your bike, for instance. If you put intention behind every entry, it’s more likely that you’ll actually do those things. Get more details from Tiny Ray of Sunshine.
24. Meal Plan
Easily one of the most annoying daily questions is “what are we cooking today.” So, with a little meal plan, you’ll be able to better organize your menu, grocery list, and even your diet. So, get this really cool idea on how to illustrate a meal plan in your bullet planner from Grey and Cooper.
25. Step Tracker
Yes, we know there are apps for this, but there are apps for bullet journaling too, and yet we stick to pen and paper. Nonetheless, your app will tell you just how many steps you managed to make in a day and you’ll keep a clear track of them all – coloring them accordingly. This is an easy way to keep yourself motivated to take more steps. Get the inspiration from @jashiicorrin on Instagram.
26. Quality of Your Days
No two days are the same, and you can keep track of how your day went and what was your general feeling in your journal. With a simple grid and some color-coding, you can put in how you felt in each day. This is a great way to also acknowledge your mental health levels, especially during tough times. @studytots has a cool model on Instagram.
27. Quote Page
Another thing you can have in your bullet journal is a quote page. In this way, you’ll get to keep track of all those inspiring quotes you find online, or even lyrics that inspire you. In the end, as long as they’re words to live by, you’re good to go. Get this cool idea from Organized Mom.
28. Birthday Tracker
There’s nothing more embarrassing than forgetting the birthday of someone close to you. Whether the date you’re in really doesn’t register with you or you simply forgot, it’s really all the same. So, why not add a few pages in your bullet journal and add in all your close friends and family members so you never forget to wish them a happy birthday. @bujo.snowberry has a really cool design on Instagram.
29. Birthday Planner
Since we’re on the topic of birthday tracking, we might as well add in this wonderful idea from Masha Plans too since it looks so cute! Each balloon has a month on it and you can write down the names of those celebrating that month and the dates. It’s just such a cute way to do this.
30. Distraction Log
I swear, we’re all prone to simply losing our focus by scrolling on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, and we need to be well aware of what makes us space out if we want to increase productivity. So, adding a Distraction log to the bullet journal may be ideal. Plus, you can add in every time you’re doing something else than you should be like trolling social media instead of working or reading. Tiny Ray of Sunshine is pretty honest about the issue, so read on.
31. Level 10 Life
Level 10 life is a notion you’ll encounter often when trying to find the best ideas for your bullet journal and that’s because it’s a way to encourage everyone to live their best life – whether we’re talking about relationships with friends and family, finances, career, or health. Of course, everyone will have a highly subjective look upon their pages and what level 10 life means for them, but it’s useful to have such an entry in your journal nonetheless.
32. Themed Months
Each month can come with its own theme or color scheme. Plus, you can add in quotes directly related to these seasons. For instance, HeraldeeCreates has a really cute idea for September, adding a fall theme for the month. You can do the same for each month, adding a bit more of yourself into the journal.
33. Journal Prompts
If you visit Smart Mom Smart Ideasyou’ll find 75 more ideas to gather inspiration from. Whether it’s prompts, page layouts, or even more great ways to organize your life. You can even grab some how-to and why info when it comes to the bullet journal trend.
34. Things to Habit Track
All About The House has some unusual ideas to add to the bullet journal too. If you follow the link, you’ll have 100 things to habit track inside of your planners. From bill paying to changing the filters inside of your house, it’s all inside to inspire you!
35. Drawing Ways To Organize $$$
CarolineVencil will prompt your money organization. Get your finances in order throughout your bullet journal with her help! And you can do it in a way that’s both fun and stylish.
36. Create Your Own Printables
One thing that can be super useful if you’re not that great at neatly writing down bullet journal entries, and even worse at calligraphy, is to create your printable bullet journal entries with Microsoft Word, for instance. Life Is Messy and Brilliant will help you figure out how you can do this and give you plenty of tips to get the best results.
37. Sleep Tracker
Another thing you should be tracking is your sleep times. We found this really cute way to keep everything tracked over on Blossom Bujo on Instagram. The better you sleep the more rested you are, the more efficient at work, the happier, and the better you concentrate. So, keeping such a log will help encourage you to go to bed earlier. Plus, you get to decorate the page with cute sunflowers!
38. Washi Tape Color Coding
Since we were just talking about washi tape, we know of another use of this wonderful craft material – color coding your journal pages. Some areas you’ll want to reserve to your sleep tracking, others to your yearly goals, others to your hobbies and moods. So, why not use washi tape to color code all of these areas in your journal so they’re easier to reach later on? Get an idea on how to do this from mom run craft.
39. Morning Routine
Keeping a morning routine can be difficult when life is hectic, but these bullet journal pages will certainly help keep you grounded. Sure, Masha Plans has some cool things on her list, like 15 minutes of yoga and 15 minutes of meditation, but you can adjust the routine to your own needs and habits. Plus, it really wouldn’t hurt if you could squeeze in even a few minutes of exercise in there.
40. A Drawing a Day
Another cute area in your bullet journal can be occupied with drawings and doodles. If you try to create something each day, you’ll certainly become better at it over time, and drawing is the kind of skill that you get better at the more you try it. The Petite Planner has some challenges for you.
41. Bullet Journal Key Page
When you’re creating a bullet journal, it’s always a good idea to create a Key page. Here, you’ll create your own bullet code and color code, so you’ll more easily mark down the things you put on your list. You can always go back to the Key page and check to see what you should be using – which is specifically useful as you start out. Sheena of the Journal has some good points on her blog.
42. Draw Fonts
When you create a journal online, things are easy because you have a lot of room to choose between a million fonts. But since most of us are not aces in calligraphy, we have to make do with a little bit of help. Life Is Messy and Brilliant is teaching us how to copy some of our favorite fonts with very little effort.
43. Workout Plan
If one of the things you need help with is a workout plan, then your cute bullet journal can serve as a reminder to keep up with your new routine. Whether you list the type of workout you want to do or specific exercises, that’s up to you. Get some ideas from When I Should Be Studying.
44. Medication Tracker
Your bullet journal can also be extremely useful if you use it to track your medication. In this way, you’ll know exactly if you took all your pills or not. It’s even useful to keep track of whether you gave your kids all their vitamins. Tiny Ray of Sunshine has a few tips on how to organize your pages best.
45. Doodle Away
The journal won’t just keep you on track, but it will also serve as a creative outlet, so why not set up your own doodle pages? Life by Whitney has some really cute ideas and they’ll encourage you to start up doodling too.
46. Trip Planning
One thing you can do in your bullet journal is to plan out a trip. Yes, that’s right! It’s not just about weekly goals and daily chores – you can go bigger and plan out trips full of things you want to see and do. Petite Melanie gives us a run-down on how she managed to do this and how you can do it too!
47. Themed Journaling
As you start a new journal, you may want to choose a theme, whether we’re going for flowers or animals or anything else you’re passionate about. So, on Lisly’s World you’ll find quite a few ideas on how to maintain that theme throughout your journal.
48. Puzzle Mood Tracker
Sure, you can track your mood in pixels, but you can also do it in puzzle pieces. It’s so much prettier and you get to have a bit of fun with designing the puzzle pieces for the month. You can also add in various health data in your puzzle, as you have more room. Get more info from Karamell Kastanie.
49. Weight Tracker
If weight loss is on your list of goals for the year, you can keep track of your weight in your journal too. Anja Home has a few ideas for you if you want to add this type of page to your own bujo.
50. Water Tracker
Since we’re on the topic, let’s also discuss water tracking, since this is an important step for any weight loss program and a healthy lifestyle overall. So, check out this really cool page idea from bulletjournal_by_ladieslounge.
What Is A Bullet Journal?
A bullet journal, or a BuJo for those who like shortcuts, is a creative outlet that will help you plan, reflect, and meditate. It’s a way to practice mindfulness as you create a productivity system of your own, setting your own rules and goals.
In essence, a bullet journal can be whatever you need it to be – a planner, a diary, a way to keep healthy, a way to keep on top of your schoolwork or office goals, a way to keep track of thoughts and notes, and so on. You can add yearly, monthly, and daily goals and work towards them, put reminders of your friends’ birthdays and other holidays, track your water intake, your sleep schedule, your daily steps, and many more.
On top of it all, you can get creative and make the journal a beautiful extension of yourself, using colored pencils and pens, markers, washi tape, post-it notes, and whatever else you can think of.
How to Start a Bullet Journal?
As with any new hobby, the hardest part about starting a bullet journal is gathering up everything you need, and finding the right format and soon. The most important thing, however, is answering the question “what do you want the bullet journal to help you with?” Once you have that clear, you’ll be able to sift through what needs to go in your journal and what needs to stay out.
Here are some of the collections that your journal HAS to have:
- index – a section you’ll use as a table of contents and the symbol key you’ll update as you go
- future log – a multi-plage section where you add a yearly calendar with future events like birthdays and travel plans or holidays, as well as your long-term tasks and goals.
- monthly log – over two pages, you’ll take a closer look at the month’s calendar, add more information, and go into detail over your goals.
- daily log – this is where you handle your day-to-day to-do list, marking off various tasks you accomplished.
Bullet Journal Supplies
Something else you’ll need to start your bullet journaling journey are supplies. First off, you’ll need a notebook or sturdy journal, markers, stickers, washi tape, stencils, and a few other things that can help you get as creative as you want to be. We have some recommendations for these supplies, so try them out.